Not Conforming to Society

2 min readMay 10, 2021

“Between a high, solid wall and an egg that breaks against it, I will always stand on the side of the egg.”

In this saying, the wall would be considered the system or society, whilst the egg representing us, the people. The restrictions and pressure society places on the people can be both good and bad. Let’s take society’s view on success for example. Society views those with a lot of money and a high social status/occupation as successful. To some, this creates motivation and pushes them to try and become this image. To others, it’s discouraging and makes them think they aren’t capable of being successful. They believe that since they don’t have the skills to reach that high social status/occupation, they won’t be successful. However, it is important to know that is society does not make the people. The people make society. We don’t have to conform to its ideals. It is important to remember the importance of individualism and being your own person. To do what you believe is “success” and to do what you love. What is society to say what you can or can’t do. Take power into your own hands and stand on the side of the egg.

Source: Always on the Side of the Egg by Haruki Murakami

